Yep, I have officially dug into the 'archives' for this post. Well, it's just then I recently re-discovered this shot and it's never been posted for the world to see...
This was taken at Garden of the God's while I was in Colorado for some classes with the Institute of Photographic Studies in September of 2008. Isn't it pretty??? =) I just loved the light coming down through the trees to light up the black eyed susans. And it's probably one of the last of my shoots before I switched to shooting in RAW. ;-)
First off, let me apologize for leaving you (all 7 of my readers!) for so long. Whew, as probably most of you know, shortly after my last post I, with my youth group took a 10 day missions trip to Ecuador. It was an absolutely incredible trip, I (again with my youth group) had taken another missions trip to Ecuador 4 years ago in 2006. So it was so, so good to see all of my friends and 'family' there. Someday, I'll have to dedicate a couple of posts to my trip so you all can see some pictures and hear (read) some of the stories from the trip!
Tonight's post is featuring some of God's most beautiful paintings (at least this week!) I'm not usually a fan of sunrises, unless you're at the beach. Eh, I can do without them. Some friends & I were discussing the differences between sunrises and sunsets a few weeks ago. We were on the road at a very un-godly hour of like 5:30 a.m. And we decided that while sunrises are pretty, sunsets have them beat, hands-down. For some reason they just seem cooler. AND as one of my friends pointed out, "You're not so tired." Maybe that's why we enjoy them more. We can be more relaxed at the end of a busy day, rather than being up too early after not-nearly-enough sleep about to begin a long day.
This was taken on Sunday morning on my way to church a little before 8 a.m.
Fall mornings are so, so very beautiful. They seem quieter than summer, maybe not as quiet as winter mornings but definitely right up there (and not as cold!). Maybe it's the fog... I don't mind a little fog in the mornings, as long as it's not thick I don't have to drive in it.
This is a 10-shot panorama of tonight's sunset. My sister called me to say that the sunset was beautiful and told me to go out and see it. I completely trust her opinion and grabbed my camera on my way out. Wow. God. =)
For awhile now, I've been contemplating and basically just being overwhelmed by God's goodness. In any and every situation, good and bad. God is still good. He can't help, but be good. It's because He loves us that He is a judge over man. And because He loves us and is a judge, He created the plan of salvation to save us, because He is good.
I was reminded on Sunday morning of a song by the band, The After's. In an interview, singer/songwriter Josh from the band shares this about the song:
"Every morning when you see the dark give way to the light of the sun -that's a reminder that we live in God's world."