She's been so. so. so. excited about her birthday for... mm.. about 6 months now. haha!
Kayla been telling people that she's 'almost 3' since August. My sister said last night that she was having trouble getting her to go to sleep, Kayla who was too excited to sleep was laying in bed singing 'Joy to the World'.
I asked her a couple of weeks ago what she wanted for her birthday. Her list was very precise.
A 'capooter' (computer), a tooter (scooter), a trike, a 'silly tree' (red maple) and a black baby.
Kayla also informed me last night that she had added another item to her Birthday List: a pink elephant. That doesn't talk. (apparently this is a stuffed animal. Not the kind that talk. lol)
I have a tradition where I take each of my nieces for their birthdays. They get to choose which meal and the restaurant. (Usually McDonalds or Dairy DeLite).
Kayla chose breakfast so Dairy DeLite was out of the question. So the options were McDonalds or Yoder's Restaurant (no, my family does not own it, though my sister does make the pies and cinnamon rolls.)
Kayla chose Yoder's and then later come to find out, she thought I meant 'Grandma' Yoder's. lol
I convinced her that McDonald's had pancakes and reassured her that they also had chocolate milk.
I picked her up this morning and after checking out her new 'capooter' we headed back into town. She asked if she could have ice cream with her pancakes. haha. I said probably not and that we could get a fruit smoothie instead.
She was quite overjoyed at this compromise, especially if we could get Wildberry which is her 'favorite'.
She thoroughly enjoyed her pancakes and sausage AND the fact that she had chocolate milk AND a wildberry smoothie. She kept exclaiming over how 'yum-may' everything was and 'You have to taste this!' She is more like me than her mother wishes, I'm sure. ;-)
After we finished up breakfast and packed up her leftovers we went to 'The Froggy Park', which is a usual stop on Birthday Dates with the nieces. It was a bit chilly, but we were the only ones there and I let Kayla wear my gloves.
We had fun playing and taking pictures. She's quite the little model. And loves to take pictures. She couldn't understand why she could take pictures with my new lens (Oh, yes. I in fact DID buy a 70-200mm f2.8 II!).
Here are some of the product from today's Birthday Date shoot. =)

This is Kayla and she is beautiful. Inside and out and I'm SO proud to be her Aunt. =)
Happy Birthday, Kayla. I love you soooooo much!!!